Fake Lionel Messi arrested following 125 metre climb in Buenos Aires

Fake Messi arrested
Marcin Banot
Halted in his effort
25 of 30
Could be a costly decision
Huge following
Return to the scene
Fake Messi arrested

A man wearing a Lionel Messi shirt has been arrested following a 125-metre climb in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Marcin Banot

According to reports by The Independent, the climber is Marcin Banot, a Polish man with a penchant for climbing skyscrapers.

Halted in his effort

Banot was, fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it) halted in his attempts to scale the Globant Tower in Buenos Aires by firefighters.

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25 of 30

The 'Polish Spiderman', as France 24 has dubbed him, was 25 stories high when he was stopped (rescued?) by firefighters, with just five more stories needed to reach the top.


Despite being halted in his attempts to scale the skyscraper, Banot did not resist the efforts of the firefighters to rescue him, per France 24.


The Independent has reported Banot was arrested once he safely reached terra firma.

Could be a costly decision

Unfortunaltey for Banot, his stunt could cost him an arm and a leg, fortunately only figuratively though, with France 24 suggesting he could be made to pay for the rescue operation!


This is not the Polish Spiderman’s first skyscraper climb, with previous climbs including the Montparnasse Tower in Paris and the Luis 1 Bridge in Porto.

Huge following

Banot’s stunts have garnered interest from around the world, with his Instagram account having over 310,000 followers as of writing this.

Return to the scene

France 24 has reported this was not Banot’s first attempt to climb the Globant Tower, with a prior attempt made just days earlier. On that occasion, he was stopped by the police before he could climb.

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