Cristiano Ronaldo slammed after Portugal game: 'Messi would not do that'

Portugal's second game
Not without controversy
Rubbing it in
Fans react
Never far from the rivalry
Too far, or just part of the game?
Portugal's second game

Portugal will face Turkey on Saturday 22 June on the second matchday of Euro 2024. The Portuguese are counting on Cristiano Ronaldo to make the difference, who was unable to do so against the Czech Republic.

Not without controversy

Euro 2024 saw Ronaldo and Portugal take their first three points of the tournament against the Czech, but not without the football star sparking some controversy.


Following a late winner from his side, Ronaldo was seen celebrating in the Czech goalkeeper’s face.

Rubbing it in

Whilst his teammates were seen wheeling away in celebration, Ronaldo waited a beat to rub it in Jindrich Stanek’s face.

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Fans react

Many spotted the former Real Madrid player’s actions, with one writing, “Doesn't need to do that. Not the best look.”


Another wrote, “It’s difficult to like a team with this kind of disrespect and arrogance from its biggest name,” per The Sun.

Never far from the rivalry

One fan even went so far to claim Ronaldo’s actions were, “Something you wouldn't see Messi do.” Is that the nail in the coffin for the Messi v Ronaldo debate?


Ronaldo’s actions may have distracted some from what became an excellent game of football. Following a 62nd-minute goal by the Czechs, Portugal were able to claw their way back in via an unfortunate own goal.


The Portuguese then had a goal allowed before scoring a 92nd-minute winner, with Francisco Conceicao finishing from Pedro Neto.


Ronaldo’s actions towards Jindrich Stanek may have crossed the line, but Bruno Fernandes was clear the Portuguese value him still, telling reporters, “We all know that it is important to have experienced players, like Cristiano Ronaldo,” after the game.

Too far, or just part of the game?

Do you think Ronaldo went too far in his actions by rubbing it in the Czech’s faces? Or do you think that when celebrating a late winner, all rules are off the table?

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