Easy DIY natural scents to keep your home smelling fresh

Homemade solutions for a great-smelling home
DIY air freshener spray
Cinnamon air freshener
Dry air freshener
Lemon, rosemary and honey air freshener
A mint air freshener
A coffee air freshener
A soap air freshener
A fabric softener air freshener
Mint air freshener spray
A jello air freshener
Dry flower potpourri
A DIY scented candle
Fruity air freshener
A sweet citrus odor neutralizer
An orange air freshener
A lemon air freshener
DIY reed diffusers
Homemade solutions for a great-smelling home

Transforming your living space into a haven of delightful aromas doesn’t require synthetic fragrances or expensive air fresheners. With a few simple, natural ingredients from your pantry or garden, you can create DIY scents that not only smell wonderful but also add a personal touch to your home.

DIY air freshener spray

Fill a spray bottle with water, add two tablespoons of baking soda, and shake it vigorously. Then, add three drops of your favorite essential oil, shake it again and voila! You have an air freshener that should last several weeks.

Photo: Unsplash - Precious Plastic Melbourne

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Cinnamon air freshener

Grab some string and tie several cinnamon sticks around a large candle. When you light the candle, the heat will make the entire room smell like cinammon.

Photo: Unsplash - Rens D.

Dry air freshener

In a glass jar with a lid, mix three tablespoons of baking soda and nine drops of a lovely smelling essential oil. Shake vigorously, poke a hole in the metal lid and place it in the room you want to fill with a subtle but lovely fragrance.

Photo: Pexels - Kaboompics

Lemon, rosemary and honey air freshener

Heat up 200 ml of water, some rosemary sprigs and two tablespoons of honey on the stove. As soon as it starts to boil, let simmer for 10 minutes on low heat. After, all you have to do is wait for it to cool off, pour it into a glass and enjoy the sweet and spicy smell.

Photo: Unsplash - Hans Vivek

A mint air freshener

Put five drops of peppermint essential oil on a cotton ball. You can do this for as many cotton balls as you want. Then, just place them around your house, trying to hide them in areas where they won't be visible but will still be able to release their clean fragrance.

Photo: Unsplash - Rasa Kasparaviciene

A coffee air freshener

Love the energizing smell of a good cup of coffee? If you want something more lasting than the smell of your morning brew, place a handful of coffee beans in a glass jar and put a candle on top. Light the candle, and after a few minutes, the whole house will smell like fresh coffee.

Photo: Unsplash - Milo Miloezger

A soap air freshener

Use a grater to grate some good-smelling soap. From there, just put the flakes in cloth bags. Close the bags with a string and place them around the areas of the house that you want to smell fresh and clean.

Photo: Unsplash - Kristina Balic

A fabric softener air freshener

Obsessed with the fresh smell after doing laundry? It can be yours outside of boring chores. Boil a liter of water with 150 ml of your favorite-smelling fabric softener. Let it cool, and put it in an aroma vaporizer along with 300 ml of alcohol.

Photo: Unsplash - Sergio Camalich

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Mint air freshener spray

This spray is great for combatting nasty odors. Just bring 250 ml of water, a bunch of mint and the juice of a lemon to a boil. Let cool and put it in a spray bottle and spray wherever and whenever you want.

Photo: Unsplash - Thuy Iam

A jello air freshener

Boil a cup of distilled water. When it starts to boil, add four packets of gelatin until everything is completely dissolved. Remove the pot from heat and add another cup of distilled water with 20 drops of essential oil. Pour the liquid into a glass jar and you'll have a great-smelling and cool-looking experiment that will last for weeks.

Photo: Unsplash - Girl With Red Hat

Dry flower potpourri

Fill a glass jar with aromatic herbs and dried flowers and let it sit for a week, stirring every day and keeping it covered. After seven days, add five drops of essential oil and close it again for a month, stirring every five days. When the month is up, you'll have a fantastic long-lasting air freshener.

Photo: Unsplash - Lisa Hobbs

A DIY scented candle

Melt beeswax in a water bath and add 10 drops of essential oil. Pour it into a mold in the shape you want and add a wick. Once it's all set, enjoy your homemade candle!

Photo: Unsplash - Mindaugas Norvilas

Fruity air freshener

Fill a nice glass jar with pieces of orange or lemon (or both) and then add several sticks of cinnamon or rosemary. Here you have a lot of leeway to mix and match the scents. And that's all it takes to get a spicy citrus air freshener.

Photo: Unsplash - Toa Heftiba

A sweet citrus odor neutralizer

Bring 200 ml of water, two teaspoons of vinegar, a cinnamon stick, two teaspoons of sugar and orange peel to a boil. Let the mixture cool and pour it into a spray bottle for a wonderful odor-neutralizer.

Photo: Unsplash - Cesira Alvarado

An orange air freshener

Cut the top off of an orange so you can fit a candle in it. Then, along the body of the orange, stick some cloves in and let the smell amaze you.

Photo: Unsplash - Alicja Gancarz

A lemon air freshener

For a lemon, cut it in half and peirce the cloves in the fleshy area.

Photo: Unsplash - Mariah Hewines

DIY reed diffusers

Find a glass or ceramic container that doesn't leak and has a narrow opening at the top. Then you can mix 30% essential oil with 70% base oil (like sunflower or sweet almond oil).. or you can use v o d ka, mixing in 12 drops of essential oil with around 1/4 cup of water and a dash of vodka, which helps behind the oils. Reed diffuser sticks or bamboo skewers can be found online. Soak the sticks in the mixture then you can keep flipping the sticks once a week to keep the scent strong.

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