Ukraine has spies in Putin’s inner circle, defense official reveals

Putin might not be able to trust anybody
Andrii Chernyak's interview with Iefimerida
We have people close to Putin
Spies who are beyond all suspicion
Betraying Putin to help themselves
People aren't happy with how the war is being run
“They all do it for their own benefit because it's in their best interest”
Why are some Russians betraying Putin?
Money and influence
Can they overthrow Putin?
“If he loses power, they will exterminate him”
Should we take Chernyak's comments at face value?
Evidence that Putin's inner circle are restless
Claims from a Western intelligence officer
Angry over Russian losses
Putin is increasingly isolated says The Washington Post
“He clearly doesn’t know what to do”
Putin might not be able to trust anybody

Ukrainian intelligence has spies lurking within Vladimir Putin’s inner circle in Russia according to a spokesperson from the country’s Ministry of Defense. 

Andrii Chernyak's interview with Iefimerida

During an interview with the Greek media outlet Iefimerida, Ukrainian Defense Ministry spokesperson Andrii Chernyak said that his country’s intelligence services had received information from people very close to Russia’s dictator. 

We have people close to Putin

“In war, we use all the means that the law allows us,” Chernyak told Iefimerida’s Kostas Onisenko. “We found mechanisms of cooperation even with people very close to Putin.” 

Spies who are beyond all suspicion

“These are people beyond all suspicion, known as supporters of great Russia,” Chernyak added, before moving on to explain why those closest to Putin were providing information to Ukraine. 

Betraying Putin to help themselves

Chernyak pointed out that his country’s secret assets in Russia weren’t assisting Ukranian intelligence out of any sense of duty or morality, but rather in order to help themselves. 

People aren't happy with how the war is being run

“Look, there are quite a few people in Putin's circle who do not support his policy regarding Ukraine,” the Ukranian Defense Ministry official explained. 

“They all do it for their own benefit because it's in their best interest”

“There are hardly any who do so because they have friendly feelings for Ukraine or because they abhor war,” Chernyak continued. “They all do it for their own benefit because it's in their best interest.”

Why are some Russians betraying Putin?

Chernyak said that some Russians close to Putin are helping Ukraine to save lives while others do it because they are losing money and need help. 

Money and influence

“After the invasion of Ukraine, several people began to lose money and influence very quickly. That's not something they like," Chernyak told Onisenko.

Can they overthrow Putin?

Onisenko asked Chernyak if the Russians helping Ukrainian intelligence would be able to overthrow their dictator, but Chernyak said, “Only if Putin is weakened enough to do so.”

“If he loses power, they will exterminate him”

“At this time they are not ready to take any revolutionary action,” Chernyak added. “If he loses power, they will exterminate him.”

Should we take Chernyak's comments at face value?

While the possibility of those around Putin feeding information to Ukraine may seem too good to be true, there have been indications that some members of Putin’s entourage have gotten frustrated with the way the dictator is running the war. 

Evidence that Putin's inner circle are restless

In October 2022, The Washington Post ran a story by Greg Miller highlighting an American intelligence report that showed some of Putin’s closest allies in Moscow were upset over Russian losses and the September mobilization order. 

Claims from a Western intelligence officer

“Since the start of the occupation we have witnessed growing alarm from a number of Putin’s inner circle,” a Western intelligence official said according to Miller’s reporting. 

Angry over Russian losses

“Our assessments suggest they are particularly exercised by recent Russian losses, misguided direction, and extensive military shortcomings,” the unnamed intelligence officer added. 

Putin is increasingly isolated says The Washington Post

In a different story published by The Washington Post in December 2022, Catherine Belton wrote about Putin’s increasing isolation as Russian forces continued to be defeated in Ukraine. 

“He clearly doesn’t know what to do”

“There is huge frustration among the people around him,” an anonymous Russian billionaire who claimed to still be in contact with top officials in Moscow told Belton. “He clearly doesn’t know what to do.” Whether or not that frustration has led to Putin’s inner circle passing on information to Ukraine has yet to be seen, but it’s certainly possible. 

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