Majority of Biden supporters driven by anti-Trump sentiment, poll finds

Anyone but Trump...
Biden backers don’t want Trump to win
Over half will vote just to oppose Trump
Other reasons why people will vote for Biden
The likely Democratic nominee
A stark contrast to Biden’s numbers
One-third want to oppose Biden
Biden and Trump are likely to face off
An interesting aspect of the poll
Viewing the election as a referendum
Changed views equalled changed results
Biden and Trump are tired in battleground states
Both candidates are also tied nationally
Voters favor Trump over Biden right now
Trump outpaces Biden in several metrics
Biden’s leading metrics aren’t enough
Anyone but Trump...
A recent poll has uncovered the reasons behind voter support for Joe Biden in November, and the results are surprising: the majority are backing Biden primarily to oppose Donald Trump.
Biden backers don’t want Trump to win

According to a CBS News and YouGov poll that was published on June 9th, most Biden backers are planning to vote for the President in November because they don’t want the former president to win. 

Over half will vote just to oppose Trump

The poll found that 54 percent of Biden voters were voting for him to oppose the former president, a percentage that The Hill reported was up by seven points since March. But some voters had other reasons for choosing Biden. 

Other reasons why people will vote for Biden

The second most popular reason those who planned to choose Biden in November was mainly because they liked the President. This category included 27 percent of the likely Biden voters surveyed. 

The likely Democratic nominee

Another 17% said they were voting for Biden mainly because they believed he would be the Democratic nominee, indicating these voters would probably vote for the Democrats regardless of who was nominated. 

A stark contrast to Biden’s numbers

When the same questions were asked about how likely Trump voters planned to cast their ballots for the former president, 52 percent said they would vote for him mainly because they liked him—a stark contrast to Biden’s numbers. 

One-third want to oppose Biden

Only 34 percent of likely Trump voters planned to choose him over the President mainly because they wanted to oppose Biden while 14% planned to pick Trump mainly due to the fact that he was likely going to be the Republican nominee. 

Biden and Trump are likely to face off

“Both candidates have secured more than enough delegates to be considered their respective parties’ presumptive nominees but will be officially nominated at their parties’ conventions this summer,” explained The Hill’s Miranda Nazzaro. 

An interesting aspect of the poll

It’s important to note that the CBS News and YouGov poll framed some of their survey questions in a way that made the 2024 presidential election a referendum or choice and then they asked respondents to choose their preferred choices. 

Viewing the election as a referendum

When asked to look at the election as a referendum on Trump, respondents backed the current president as their choice with 66 percent choosing Biden and 34 percent picking Trump. However, these numbers didn’t tell the whole truth. 

Changed views equalled changed results

When asked to look at the election as a referendum on Biden, the numbers shifted a lot with 54 percent of respondents indicating they would vote for Trump while Biden snatched support from 47% of those who answered the survey. 

Biden and Trump are tired in battleground states

Polling also showed that Biden and Trump were essentially tied when it came to support in battleground states. 50% of likely voters indicated they would vote for Biden while 49 percent said they would vote for Trump. This was flipped nationally. 

Both candidates are also tied nationally

Trump took the lead over Biden nationally with 50 percent of support from likely voters whereas Biden was the one left with 49 percent on this metric, which means November will be one of the most interesting elections in decades. 

Voters favor Trump over Biden right now

CBS News noted in its reporting on the polling that when voters were asked to directly compare the two presidents the findings tended to favor Trump over Biden, something that could be a major problem for the President.

Trump outpaces Biden in several metrics

“Trump outpaces Mr. Biden on a range of qualities like being seen as effective, tough, energetic and — more narrowly — competent. Also, more think Trump has a vision of where he wants to lead the country,” CBS News reported. 

Biden’s leading metrics aren’t enough

“Biden does better on personal likability and being viewed as compassionate. But that likability gap does not match vote preferences, because a lot of people who dislike Trump personally are voting for Trump anyway,” the American news outlet added. 

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