Could NATO’s support for Ukraine lead to war with Russia?

Moscow makes threats of initiating a larger war
Working to stop Russia in Ukraine
Future escalation
Is NATO getting drawn deeper into the conflict?
Supply Ukraine with air defense systems
The United States and Germany
NATO's other members are helping, too
Supplying Ukrainian troops with Western tanks
Tanks will make NATO nations Russian targets
A necessary step
Not a fight about Russia or Ukraine
This is a fight for the future of the international system
Doing what is necessary
Russia warned the West
Medvedev's comments
Are weapons deliveries an act of war?
Threatening global catastrophe
State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin's comments
Triggering a retaliation from Russia...
Debating F-16s and long-range missiles
Moscow makes threats of initiating a larger war

On February 1st, Kremlin spokesperson Dimitry Peskov accused the North Atlantic Treaty Organization of using its full infrastructure against Russia, an allegation that could prove to have dire consequences for world peace. 

"We see what the West is doing"

"We see how NATO’s entire military infrastructure is working against Russia,” Peskov said according to TASS, a Russian news agency. 

Working to stop Russia in Ukraine

“We see how NATO’s entire intelligence infrastructure, including reconnaissance aviation, and satellite groupings are working in the interests of Ukraine in a 24/7 mode," the Kremlin press secretary continued. 

Future escalation

Peskov also allegedly said that such support for Ukraine from NATO created a “hostile” environment for Russia in what amounted to a veiled threat of future escalation by Moscow. 

Is NATO getting drawn deeper into the conflict?

While NATO has been working behind the scenes to support the Ukrainian war effort, it does seem as if the alliance and its member states have been slowly drawn deeper into the conflict as it approaches its one-year anniversary.

Supply Ukraine with air defense systems

In October, several member states agreed to supply Ukraine with air defense equipment and ammunition necessary to protect its civilian infrastructure against Russia's air campaign aimed at weaponizing winter. 

The United States and Germany

The United States pledged NASAM systems and even sent its vaunted Patriot missile defense systems—which it said for months was off the table—while Germany sent its feared IRIS-T infrared-guided air defense systems according to BBC News. 

NATO's other members are helping, too

Canada, France, and the Netherlands, all NATO member nations, also supplied air defense systems for Ukraine's defense. But that wasn’t everything they sent. 

Supplying Ukrainian troops with Western tanks

Along with Germany, the UK, Poland, and the United States—Canada, France, and the Netherlands have all agreed to send main battle tanks to aid their Eastern European allies, a situation one former adviser to Vladimir Putin said could force an escalation of the war. 

Tanks will make NATO nations Russian targets

“By sending tanks, the NATO countries are becoming more openly involved in the war and that makes them potential targets,” said Sergey Karaganov.

A necessary step

While Karaganov may believe the sending of Western tanks to Ukraine could make NATO a Russian target, analysts like The Atlantic’s Tim Nichols believe that it was a necessary step to defend the international order and world safety. 

Not a fight about Russia or Ukraine

“This is no longer about Russia’s neo-imperial dreams or Ukraine’s borders,” Nichols wrote in a January 23rd opinion piece. 

This is a fight for the future of the international system

“This is a fight for the future of the international system and the safety of us all,” Nichols added. 

Doing what is necessary

Nichols opposes direct NATO intervention in the war but believes that the West must arm Ukraine with whatever is required to defend its territory and win the war, a sentiment that will certainly lead to a deeper escalation of the conflict. 

Russia warned the West

In December 2022, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev warned NATO nations that their military assistance for Ukraine was making them "legitimate military targets."

Medvedev's comments

"Today... the main question is whether the hybrid war de facto declared on our country by NATO can be considered to be the alliance's entry into war with Russia?" Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel in a translation provided by Newsweek.

Are weapons deliveries an act of war?

"Is it possible to view the delivery of a large volume of weapons to Ukraine as an attack on Russia?" Medvedev added.

Threatening global catastrophe

On January 22nd, Russian State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin threatened global catastrophe if NATO actually began supplying offensive weapons to Ukraine.

State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin's comments

“Supplies of offensive weapons to the Kyiv regime would lead to a global catastrophe,” Volodin said.

Triggering a retaliation from Russia...

“If Washington and NATO supply weapons that would be used for striking peaceful cities and making attempts to seize our territory as they threaten to do, it would trigger a retaliation with more powerful weapons,” Volodin added.

Debating F-16s and long-range missiles

As debates rage on whether or not NATO-aligned countries should send modern F-16 fighter jets to Ukraineand the UK signals its willingness to supply Ukranian forces with long-range missiles able to strike targets as far as 350 milesall eyes are on Vladimir Putin and what he will do in response to the ever-increasing, but extremely necessary, support NATO countries are providing to Ukraine.

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