The unthinkable (and dangerous) animal that a man tried to smuggle into China

Forbidden and curious objects
Tried to introduce snakes into China
Traveling through the port of Futian
How is it possible?
In closed bags
Five species
Up to 104 reptiles
Illegal commerce
20 billion dollars a year
More sanctions
Forbidden and curious objects

When traveling, tourists often take prohibited and curious objects with them. Just take a look in the newspapers and you will see quite a few examples from a collection of fireworks to a chainsaw, to bows and arrows.

Tried to introduce snakes into China

But there are those who are more bizarre than others. Recently, in fact, a man was caught trying to bring live snakes into China. He kept them in his pants, as reported by CNN citing the customs authority.


Traveling through the port of Futian

The event occurred in the city of Shenzhen. This man was traveling to the Asian country, through the port of Futian, between Hong Kong and mainland China.

How is it possible?

But how could he hide so many of these animals in his clothes?

In closed bags

According to the customs authority, the agents who inspected the man found six bags sealed with adhesive tape inside the pockets of his pants. Each of them contained several live snakes of different species.

Five species

As CNN reports, there were five species and none of them were venomous: the milk snake, the western long-nosed snake, the corn snake, the Texas rat snake and the bull snake.


Up to 104 reptiles

In the statement issued by the customs authority, up to 104 reptiles were counted.

Illegal commerce

Illegal animal trafficking is one of the great concerns of China, which represents one of the largest illegal animal trade centers in the world.

20 billion dollars a year

The black market for these animals reaches a business volume of 20 billion dollars a year, only behind drug trafficking and the classified food trade, according to Moody's cited by Infobae.

More sanctions

China has tried to put a stop to this activity, with greater prohibitions and sanctions against those who smuggle non-native species without permission, as happened in this case.

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