Hostility against Russia: Argentina responds to Putin's disappointment with Milei's government

Argentina clarifies its position
No military aid
Only humanitarian support
Hostility against Russia
Approach to Ukraine
Volodymyr Zelensky, a friend of Argentina
No mention of Putin
Next steps
Allied to Ukrainian aid groups
Argentina clarifies its position

Following the Russian government's expression of "deep disappointment" over president Javier Milei's rapprochement with Ukraine, Argentinian presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni tried to clarify Argentina's current position in the war and ensure that the country will not interfere in the conflict.

No military aid

According to several media outlets, in a press conference, Adorni ruled out providing any type of military support to Ukraine. The question referred to Russia's concern about the approach of Argentinian and Ukrainian military teams.

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Only humanitarian support

"Of course, we are going to offer humanitarian aid, logistical support in terms of humanitarian issues and what is called the demining of the territory. But we are not going to interfere in any way in the war conflict," Adorni responded.

Hostility against Russia

The Argentinian position comes after the Russian ambassador in Buenos Aires, Dmitry Feoktistov, described the possible shipment of Argentinian weapons to Ukraine as "hostile actions against Russia."

Approach to Ukraine

Although Argentina tries to make clear its position of non-interference in the war, the rapprochement between the country and Ukraine was evident at the Global Peace Summit that ended on June 16, in Switzerland.

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Volodymyr Zelensky, a friend of Argentina

During the summit, as reported by the newspaper Página 12, Javier Milei, president of Argentina, expressed his “honor” for the invitation and for the “close bond” with Zelensky, with whom he shares a past in the media and whom he considers a friend.

No mention of Putin

Although Javier Milei has sent his "maximum support to the people of Ukraine" and made an emphatic defense of the European country, he did so without criticizing or even mentioning the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, as reported by Argentinian newspaper Clarín.

"The face of freedom"

Before the start of a bilateral meeting between Ukraine and Argentina, Volodymyr Zelensky decorated Javier Milei with the Order of Freedom, the highest Ukrainian Order, awarded since 2008. "You are the face of freedom," Zelensky told Milei, according to Clarín.


Next steps

After the meeting, in a publication shared on X, the Ukrainian president reported that he and his Argentinian counterpart have discussed the next steps for the implementation of the Peace Formula and have talked about bilateral cooperation and trade.

Allied to Ukrainian aid groups

Argentina has been the first Latin American nation to join the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine (Ramstein Group), which coordinates military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The country also recently joined the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children.

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