The ultimate prepper checklist

Always be prepared
Many attempts to destroy the planet
An example of organization
Your last shopping list
Decades preparing the purchase
The recent example of shame
Preppers have some good ideas
Canned goods
Best ultra-processed
At the end of the world, it's time to survive
Freeze dried foods
Cookies that are not missing
Nuts, essential
As if you were going to the gym
Water is the most important
Oil, a necessary luxury
And for dessert, cheese
Always be prepared

It is good to be prepared, because as the pandemic showed us, an international disaster that limits our ability to leave our homes could strike at any time. Are you ready? Click on to discover the ultimate preppers checklist.



There is one group that seems to be years ahead of the rest of the population in this area are the 'preppers', who emerged in the mid-20th century in the United States, in the midst of the Cold War.


Many attempts to destroy the planet

Since then, events such as the Y2K, 9/11, avian flu, Ebola, the pandemic, the nuclear threat or global warming have served to reinforce their idea of the advent of an end of the world that, whatever it may be, continues to be delayed event after event.

An example of organization

However, if something can be learned from preppers, it is their organizational skills, their methodology and, above all, their shopping list for the end of the world.

Your last shopping list

To ordinary mortals, the weekly shopping list already seems like an ordeal, in which no matter how few products there are, some are always forgotten.


Decades preparing the purchase

It goes without saying that with a shopping list to face the apocalypse, it is more than certain that some product essential for survival would be left pending.

The recent example of shame

Moreover, everyone remembers that, in the midst of a pandemic and with the world blocked and paralyzed, the obsession of millions of people around the planet was to buy toilet paper that, to this day, some have not used up.

Preppers have some good ideas

This being the case, it doesn't hurt to take ideas from a group that has been preparing for the end of the world for more than 60 years and copy a shopping list that they have not only been updating and adapting to our days, but in many cases items they have purchased and stored in underground bunkers.

Canned goods

Obviously, the first thing we think about when making the end-of-the-world shopping list is storing canned goods and it's not a bad option, but what kind?

Best ultra-processed

In this case, preppers recommend highly processed foods that provide nutrients and calories, that is, the opposite of what we would eat if we were on a diet, something that would really matter little in a post-apocalyptic situation.


At the end of the world, it's time to survive

These ultra-processed foods are preserved for a long time without the need for cold, they can be stacked, they take up little space and they are a tremendous source of energy. Perfect for living in an environment similar to that of 'Mad Max'. Legumes, cereals, fish or vegetables are the most advisable.

Freeze dried foods

However, much better than cans are freeze-dried foods. They allow personalized portions, can be heated without electricity and take up less space than cans. Highly recommended.


Carbohydrates are essential for your survival, so rice, cereals, sugar, energy bars should also be present in your underground pantry.

Cookies that are not missing

Another item that cannot be missing from the end of the world shopping list are cookies, jams, spreads, chocolates and the like. Easy to store and long lasting.

Nuts, essential

Nuts and toasted bread are two foods that also last a long time without losing too many properties and that should have a place on your post-apocalypse shopping list.

Photo: Unsplash - Nacho Fernández


As if you were going to the gym

Food supplements like those taken by gym rats should not be missing from your shopping basket either. Vitamins, minerals, soy and whey protein isolates are some examples.

Photo: Unsplash - Aleksander Saks

Water is the most important

The big problem that any post-apocalyptic scenario is access to drinking water. For this reason, water purification tablets are essential.

Oil, a necessary luxury

Along with water, it is also advisable to store milk that provides hydration to the body but also other types of nutrients. And the same goes for oil, which should not be missing in your bunker.

And for dessert, cheese

Cheeses, especially cured ones, are also a good option, since their nutrients are highly concentrated and their format allows for prolonged conservation over time.

Photo: Unsplash - Katrin Leinfellner

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