Biden just one-upped Trump again by releasing his taxes

How much did the Bidens make?
The Bidens released their tax return
President’s get paid $400,000
Where did all the money come from?
Other income the Joe and Jill earned
Biden made about the same as 2022
The Bidens paid a high tax rate
State taxes paid by the president
Not an altruistic move
The messaging from the White House
Biden has shared 26 years of returns
Sharing tax returns when in the Oval Office
The VP and Second Gentleman
State taxes and transparency
Donating to charities
The VP also donated to charity
How much did the Bidens make?

President Joe Biden has released his recent tax return for the public to pursue and it’s a lot less salacious than his political opponents would claim. Biden and his wife did earn a lot of money in 2023 but it wasn’t outrageous. 

The Bidens released their tax return

The Bidens filed a joint tax return for 2023 and the White House released that return on April 15th. The President and First Lady earned $619,976 for the year, which is a figure that seems about right for a presidential couple. 

President’s get paid $400,000

Compensation for being the leader of the free world earns the person in the Oval Office $400,000 a year. This amount was set by Congress in 2001 following thirty years of the country’s presidents earning $200,000 dollars. 

Where did all the money come from?

“The bulk of the Bidens’ income came from President Biden’s congressionally mandated $400,000 salary, along with pensions. The first lady also earned $85,985 from her position as a teacher at Northern Virginia Community College,” CNN reported. 

Other income the Joe and Jill earned

Reuters reported that additional income for the Bidens was drawn from interest on their investments as well as their pensions and “a corporate entity that collects the couple's book royalties.”

Biden made about the same as 2022

“Most of the increase of income relative to 2022 was from interest paid on one of the couple's bank accounts,” Reuters added. “The proportion of Joe Biden's income that went to federal taxes was roughly equal to the prior year.”

The Bidens paid a high tax rate

The President and the First Lady paid $146,629 in federal income taxes which put their effective federal tax rate at 23.7 percent according to a White House statement that the Biden administration released with his return. 

State taxes paid by the president

Biden and his wife also released their Delaware income taxes and paid $30,908 to the state. Jill Biden released her income Virginia tax return as well. She reported paying a rather small payment of $3,549 to the state. 

Not an altruistic move

The release of Biden’s tax return wasn’t an altruistic move and his team may have had an eye for taking a dig at Donald Trump since he has declined to voluntarily release his tax returns according to CNN’s Michelle Williams.

The messaging from the White House

Williams’ point does make a lot of sense since the focus of the White House statement regarding Biden’s tax returns was on the “new record of transparency” that the president set when he released his 2023 tax returns to the public. 

Biden has shared 26 years of returns

“President Biden has now shared a total of 26 years of tax returns with the country. Once again demonstrating his commitment to being transparent with the American people,” the statement read, adding that it was the most returns of any president. 

Sharing tax returns when in the Oval Office

“President Biden believes that all occupants of the Oval Office should be open and honest with the American people, and that the longstanding tradition of annually releasing presidential tax returns should continue unbroken,” the statement added.

The VP and Second Gentleman

Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff also released their federal and state tax returns. Together the couple earned a gross income of $450,299 in 2023 and paid a total of $88,570 in federal income tax or a tax rate of 19.7 percent. 

State taxes and transparency

The Vice President and Second Gentlemen also paid $15,167 in taxes to California and Emeroff paid $11,599 in taxes to the District of Columbia. Harris has published a total of 20 years of her tax returns, keeping in step with Biden’s commitment to transparency. 

Donating to charities

Biden and his wife donated a total of $20,477 to 17 different charities, including a $5000 dollar donation to the Beau Biden Foundation as well as donations to St. Joseph’s Hospital on the Brandywine, the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, and the National Fraternal Order of Police Foundation.

The VP also donated to charity

Harris and Emeroff contributed $23,026 to charity in 2023. However, the major donations and number of charities that were donated to was not listed in the White House statement.  

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