Springboks hooker Bongi Mbonambi accused of using racial slur against Tom Curry

Mbonambi allegedly used racial slur against England
Facing ban
Formal review
No handshake
No comment
Taking the matter seriously
No backups
Race against the clock
Mbonambi allegedly used racial slur against England

Tom Curry approached referee Ben O’Keefe in England’s semi-final matchup against South Africa, asking the official what he should do if he’s been called a “white c***”.

Facing ban

Mbonambi, the only recognised hooker in the Springboks squad, could face a ban if Curry’s claim can be substantiated.

Formal review

Following the accusations, World Rugby have started a formal review process, stating they are taking the matter, “extremely seriously”.

No handshake

Following the game, Mbonambi appeared to avoid Curry rather than offer the customary handshake. This followed some minor niggle between the teams following the final whistle.

No comment

Curry was asked about the incident after the game and gave no further comment, saying, “it does not need to be talked about”.

Taking the matter seriously

SA Rugby released a short statement in which they announced, “We are aware of the allegation, which we take very seriously, and are reviewing the available evidence. We will engage with Bongi if anything is found to substantiate the claim.”

No backups

Following Malcolm Marx’s injury, Mbonambi has been the only hooker in the South Africa squad, with flanker Deon Fourie deputising. Fourie is a more than competent player, but going into a World Cup final as the starting hooker is not an ideal situation for Fourie or the team should a ban be enforced.

Race against the clock

If Mbonambi is found guilty and banned, it would be a rapid turnaround before the World Cup Final, so expect this to run well beyond the 28th of October.

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