Nostradamus: 'King Charles won't last long, successor unlikely'

Nostradamus vs King Charles
Not passing the crown to William?
The Royal Family
No longer in the picture?
Could William's younger brother be the one?
King Harry, perhaps?
Scary predictions
Other prophecies
Jasmine Anderson, psychic
Planet alignment doesn't bode well for Charles
An immediate prediction
Not ideal conditions for a coronation
'His reign will not be a long one'
Disagrees with Nostradamus on King Harry
Already too late?
The oldest heir apparent in history
Royal expert - or fact
Another prediction already discarded
Another prediction, proved untrue with the passing of time
'Charles would never be King'
Nostradamus vs King Charles

King Charles III will not be King for long. That is what a Nostradamus expert has interpreted from the sixteenth-century astrologer's predicitons.

Not passing the crown to William?

Not only does the prediction suggest Charles' time on the throne is limited, but also that the crown will pass on to an unexpected monarch.


Michel de Nostredame (AKA Nostradamus) was a French astrologer, apothecary, physician, and reputed seer. He wrote a book entitled, Les Prophéties, which published 942 poetic quatrains - each allegedly predicting future events.

The Royal Family

A leading expert on his predictions and prophetic readings from almost 450 years ago has interpreted one passage possibly having relevance to today's Royal Family, as the Daily Record reports.


The passage reads, "a man who never expected to become King" would take the throne, as depicted in a 1555 Nostradamus poem.

No longer in the picture?

Author Mario Reading, who wrote 'Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies for the Future', pondered on the issue, saying "Does that mean that Prince William, who could have expected to succeed his father, is no longer in the picture?"

Could William's younger brother be the one?

As the Daily Record tells us, the author couldn't put his finger on the reason why, but he interpreted this as though the Duke of Sussex would take his father's place.

King Harry, perhaps?

"Prince Harry, by process of default, becomes king in his stead? That would make him King Henry IX, aged just 38."

Scary predictions

Mr Reading also predicted the Queen's death would be in 2022 and during that time his book became a best-seller. The writer was also aware that Charles would become King at the grand age of 74.

Other prophecies

Nostradamus also supposedly predicted the rise of Adolf Hitler, Hiroshima, the JFK assassination and the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre, amongst other surprising prophecies. But he is not the only one to have predicted that Charles will not be King for long.

Jasmine Anderson, psychic

In 2022, another person spoke up to also declare King Charles' reign a short one. Celebrity psychic Jasmine Anderson told the Express that the 'alignment of the planets during King Charles' coronation' could reveal the future of his reign.

Planet alignment doesn't bode well for Charles

The psychic detailed her prediction saying the planet alignment over the coronation weekend doesn't look good for the King. Due to this, Anderson has predicted that the monarch will not rule for a long time - he has other priorities, according to her.

An immediate prediction

Jasmine told “Right off the bat I am not seeing King Charles being our king for very long...To begin with, the date of his coronation is May 6, and we will be in Mercury Retrograde." This is when Mercury appears to be moving backwards in the sky. But what does that mean to the rest of us?

Not ideal conditions for a coronation

"Mercury rules communication, travel, messages and electrical equipment. These can become temperamental during a Retrograde," the psychic said, encouraging people to not start a new job or new relationships in that moment, which is why an historic event such as a coronation isn't ideal.

'His reign will not be a long one'

“Starting something new during a Retrograde can often mean problems will occur later on and it will be short lived,” the astrologer continued, according to the Express publication. “Since Charles took on the role of King I have felt that his reign will not be a long one.”

Disagrees with Nostradamus on King Harry

Jasmine said she felt the Crown would be passed to William initially. "William will have much more success as King than Charles. I feel Harry and William could be coming together here and ending their strife," Anderson summarised.

Already too late?

The psychic did, however, say that she predicted Charles may even abdicate before he is even crowned and was becoming more and more confident that he would step down as King before the coronation. With that time now at an end, it seems that particular part of the prediction at least can be thrown out.

The oldest heir apparent in history

Of course, at aged 74, Charles is not too likely to reign for a long future - certainly not compared to his mother, the Late Queen Elizabeth II.

Royal expert - or fact

A royal expert, Victoria Arbiter predicted on her Twitter account that it is unlikely Charles will reign long enough to commemorate a jubilee. However, it probably doesn't take too much of an expert to predict that one.

Another prediction already discarded

Joe Hanger, a professional dream interpreter who has published six books, also made a prediction about King Charles. This was based on dreams he interpreted from none other than the Late Princess Diana.

Another prediction, proved untrue with the passing of time

Hanger was Diana's exclusive dream analyser and he interpreted her dreams to reveal that Charles would never even become King, let alone abdicate. Of course, we now know that this was not the case as Charles became King automatically on his mother's passing.

'Charles would never be King'

According to psychic website, Recommended Psychics, Hanger said, “She [Diana] said that she thought he would never be king. She’d see him beheaded in her dreams and, of course, that has lots of connotations because in our dream world it can subliminally play on words like ‘losing your head’, or ‘getting ahead’, or big issues like that. But when he did appear in her dreams, she sort of didn’t seem to know where he belonged; there were issues of dominance there.”


Dream analysing, planets and predictions. These factors are subjective in knowing what will happen. Only time will ever tell how long King Charles will be on the throne and rule alongside his wife, Camilla, Queen Consort.

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