Millionaires on Twitch: how do they make $2,000 per hour?

Millionaires on Twitch
World-famous stars
How much are we talking about?
Money, money, money
Tommy Innit
Paymoney Wubby
Montana Black 88
Castro 1021
Ibai Llanos
Millionaires on Twitch

From anonymous young people working from home to famous and leading international figures followed by millions of people around the world. Thanks to the platform Twitch, youngsters like the one in the image make more money than anyone could ever assume from a teenager.

World-famous stars

Obviously, the Amazon streaming platform uses only part of its earnings to pay those who, in a short period of time, have made Twitch an important reference point for social media.

Picture: Instagram - @quackity

How much are we talking about?

But how much money do the main Twitch content creators make? Are the earnings of these world-famous online workers that high? The answer is yes. Let's take a look at them.

Picture: Instagram - @tommyinnit

Money, money, money

The following information comes from the study carried out by the company Kapwing. They take as a reference the total income of the lead streamers - leaked at the end of 2021 - and the number of content hours the streamers produce. The result of the calculation is the amount each Twitch star makes per hour.

Picture: Instagram - @auronplay


2,399 dollars/hour
He always covers his face with a black and white mask and some dark sunglasses. This has caused immense speculation about the true identity behind his brand. His content consists in playing the game 'Minecraft.' Easy does it.

Picture: Instagram - @ranboomc


2,037 dollars/hour
This young Mexican man is the only streamer, along with Ranboo, who makes more than 2,000 dollars per hour. He, too, has mostly content about playing 'Minecraft' and 'Roblox.'

Picture: Instagram - @quackity

Tommy Innit

1,741 dollars/hour
A combination of 'Minecraft' and his sense of humor has put this English streamer on the podium of highest Twitch salaries.

Picture: Instagram - @tommyinnit


1,649 dollars/hour
What started as simple video comments with a bit of sass has translated into a huge success. In the last years, his channel, in which we can also find gameplays, has grown incredibly.

Picture: Instagram - @auronplay

Paymoney Wubby

1,561 dollars/hour
This California streamer is a huge fan of 'Magic' and 'Warhammer.' In fact, if you watch his live streams, you can often see him painting his little figures.

Picture: Twitter - @PaymoneyWubby


1,152 dollars/hour
One of the veteran streamers, NickMercs was born in 1990. In his live streams, we can see him playing shooters.

Picture: Instagram - @nickmercs

Montana Black 88

1,105 dollars/hour
This German streamer has been on YouTube since 2009 and moved to Twitch in 2019. There, he became one of the most followed content creators on the platform.

Picture: Instagram - @montanablack


1,102 dollars/hour
He started playing 'Call of Duty' and 'Destiny' for his viewers, but the game 'Fortnite' eventually launched him to fame. Since 2018, Turner "Tfue" Tenney has been banned from some of his Twitch accounts, however, and from other gaming servers as well.

Picture: Instagram - @tfue


1,069 dollars/hour
This young Canadian, whose real name is Félix Lengyel, was known for being a professional 'Overwatch' player, but he reached Twitch glory thanks to his day-long live streams, his legendary live tantrums, and being continuously banned and unbanned by the platform.

Picture: Instagram - @xQcOW

Castro 1021

957 dollars/hour
Maybe the most famous 'FIFA' player in the gaming universe, he has not only an amazing playing level, but his live streams are top as well. It's nice that he's making money with it, because, as often happens with fervent FIFA players, his exasperation has made him destroy more than one game set.

Picture: Instagram - @castro1021



870 dollars/hour
The co-founder of 'One True King' became famous for playing the legendary game 'World of Warcraft.' His live streams are no shorter than 9 hours long, and all of these hours are enjoyed by millions of subscribers.

Picture: Instagram - @asmongold

Ibai Llanos

854 dollars/ hour
The Best Streamer of 2021 is an all-round showman: streamer, presenter, and owner of an eSports team. Llanos founded the first Balloons World Championship. His Twitch channel has a lot to offer, including some major interviews.

Picture: Instagram - @ibaillanos


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