The fitness secrets of Khloe Kardashian, Jonah Hill, and other celebrities

Celebrity secrets for health and fitness
Missy Elliott: no more juice, soda, and bread
Rebel Wilson
Rebel Wilson: how did she do it?
Khloe Kardashian
Khloe Kardashian: keep positive
Christina Aguilera: Fresh Diet
Christina Aguilera
Chris Pratt
Chris Pratt: a vegan diet
Kelly Osbourne: Dancing with the Stars
Kelly Osbourne: 30 minutes a day
Jonah Hill, then
Jonah Hill, now: drink less beer
Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy Kimmel: intermittent fasting
Celebrity secrets for health and fitness

Whether it's for their image, an upcoming gig, or their health, celebrities tend to take good care of their bodies. They also have the best teachers and resources at their disposal. Let's see what kind of routines and tricks the stars use to keep their body in shape!

Missy Elliott: no more juice, soda, and bread

Insider reports that the secret to Missy Elliott’s now trim figure is cutting several foods from her diet. The iconic rapper explains that skipping on juice, soda and bread has helped immensely in her journey to be healthier. She credits her now increased intake of water with the improvement of her skin. In addition to this diet, she follows Shaun T's T25 workout routine.

Rebel Wilson

The Australian star managed to change her appearance completely over the course of 2020.

Rebel Wilson: how did she do it?

Through US Weekly as well as the actress's social media, we learned that she's been doing a combination of dieting, high-intensity interval training exercises and weight training.


Khloe Kardashian

Every avid Kardashian fan will know that Khloe Kardashian is very into fitness. But there's more to a healthy body than just working out...

Khloe Kardashian: keep positive

On Instagram, she shares that "by keeping positive about your body, your inner health, your mental sanity, your fitness and what you're trying to achieve, you're way more likely to succeed." It goes to show that a healthy body begins with a healthy goal-fixated mind!

Christina Aguilera: Fresh Diet

After a bout of depression, Christina Aguilera decided to go on the Fresh Diet, Style Craze reports. It's a delivery service that sends you meals based on your needs to get healthier.

Christina Aguilera

In addition, the singer follows a series of workouts that include cardio and bodyweight exercises. Xtina has never felt better!


Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt used to weigh about 300 pounds (136 kilograms). Today, he is a much leaner and fitter person. He managed to get this far by training for his role in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’.

Chris Pratt: a vegan diet

Men’s Journal reports that the actor hired a personal trainer and a nutritionist to transform himself. He attributes his current shape to intense workouts like P90X, and to the vegan Danial Fast diet.

(Image: Universal Pictures)

Kelly Osbourne: Dancing with the Stars

Kelly, the daughter of rock legend Ozzy Osbourne, was one of the star contestants on ‘Dancing with the Stars’. The rigorous dance training she received in the show kickstarted Kelly's journey into fitness and helped her be healthier.

Kelly Osbourne: 30 minutes a day

In Self, she reveals that she maintains her leaner body by working out at least 30 minutes a day.

Jonah Hill, then

Jonah Hill reinvented himself through dieting. He looks very different from a few years ago.

Jonah Hill, now: drink less beer

The actor has solid advice for improving his health and losing the pounds: cut back on beer!

Jimmy Kimmel

According to Men’s Journal, talk show host and comedian Jimmy Kimmel lost weight by using the 5:2 method of intermittent fasting.

(Image: Buena Vista Television LLC)

Jimmy Kimmel: intermittent fasting

Reported effects from intermittent fasting include an increase in muscle mass and longevity, among others. As a precaution, those who want to follow Jimmy Kimmel and try this rigorous method should always check in with health and fitness professionals.

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