The political battles of Xena and Hercules (Lucy Lawless, Kevin Sorbo) on X

Epic battles of Xena and Hercules
Fighting on screen...
...and online
Debate about the 2024 elections
Xena and Hercules: opposite sides
Kamala's race under question
'Prove you're black!'
Lucy responds
'In his defense...'
Chatting about the OJ Simpson case
'Nicole was no picnic!'
'Hercules defended a black man'
Victim blaming
Part of a longer conversation
The Capitol riot of 2021
'Nothing to do with me'
'No patriots'
Xena: 'They are your flying monkeys'
Always fighting for justice
'I'm a Dreamer'
Epic battles of Xena and Hercules

They were fantasy stars of the 90s: Xena, the Princess Warrior, and Hercules, the demigod. Just a few times, they acted together, but Lucy Lawless and Kevin Sorbo have often been named in one breath. Why is that so?

Fighting on screen...

Xena, the Princess Warrior appeared on TV from 1995 through 2001, while Sorbo's Hercules saved the day from 1995 to 1999.

...and online

The two seem kindred spirits on the screen, but in real life, Lucy Lawless and Kevin Sorbo have opposite ideas about politics. And they are vocal about them on social media.

Debate about the 2024 elections

The political atmosphere in the run-up to the U.S. elections has become increasingly tense. Some artists speak out to defend the Republican candidate Donald Trump, while others support the Democratic candidate Kamala Harris.

Xena and Hercules: opposite sides

The topic of politics divides Lucy Lawless (Xena) and Kevin Sorbo (Hercules). While Sorbo is a fervent Trump supporter, Lawless defends the Democratic candidate.

Kamala's race under question

Trump and his supporters often mock Kamala Harris. One of them is Hercules. He posted a tweet in August 2024 when Trump called into question the race of Kamala Harris. Although he later deleted it, Entertainment Weekly and other media captured and saved the message.

'Prove you're black!'

Sorbo posted: "If Kamala really is black, have her say the N-word, let the people decide for themselves." Of course, he knew the presidential candidate would never use that word, and thus, his comment implicated, she couldn't be (partly) African American.

Lucy responds

Lucy Lawless, a Harris supporter, answered Sorbo's post with a striking anecdote. While others denounced his post, she recalled a moment the two actors shared, and her story seemed to favor Sorbo.

'In his defense...'

She began the story like this: "In his defense, I personally witnessed a time when Kevin Sorbo stuck up for a black man against white people."

Chatting about the OJ Simpson case

Xena's story went way back to the '90s. "We actors were sitting around and I bought up a news item. I said, 'Guys, did you guys hear about that woman and her friend who were brutally murdered in LA? I think maybe the footballer did it!'"

'Nicole was no picnic!'

"And Peanut [Lucy's nickname for Kevin] growled: 'Hey! I knew Nicole and let me tell you... she was no picnic!' BOOM."

'Hercules defended a black man'

Lawless, in shock, replied, "She didn’t deserve to be stabbed to death." To this day, the Xena actress remembers the incident.

Victim blaming

At the time, Hercules concluded the conversation: "I'm just saying, She was a piece of work." So yes, Xena recalls, Hercules defended a black man that day; but maybe it wasn't the best time to do it.

Part of a longer conversation

It was not the first time Xena and Hercules confronted each other about American politics. Since 2016, Sorbo has been vocally pro-Trump and Lawless doesn't like that at all.

The Capitol riot of 2021

In 2021, the fantasy heroes got involved in the heated online debate about the January 6 assault on the Capitol where Trump supporters tried to undo the confirmation of Joe Biden's victory. Sorbo had something to say first.

'Nothing to do with me'

Although the horned 'QAnon Shaman' in the previous picture might well have gotten his inspiration from the '90s hairdo of Hercules, Sorbo said the attack on the Capitol had nothing to do with Trump supporters like him.

'No patriots'

"They don't look like patriots to me..." he said as a way to counter the accusations that these were the same people Trump had just spoken to on the other side of the Washington Mall. People Sorbo usually agreed with.

Xena: 'They are your flying monkeys'

Lawless disagreed with him: "No, Peanut. They are not Patriots. They are your flying monkeys, homegrown terrorists, QAnon actors. They are the d*bags that go out and do the evil bidding of people like you who like to wind them up like toys and let them do their worst."

Always fighting for justice

It is clear that Xena doesn't pull punches when it comes to her old buddy Hercules. She does not let him get away with questionable statements, just like she wouldn't take anything from villains like Morpheus or Callisto in her 90s action series.

'I'm a Dreamer'

Xena's idealism also showed in 2018. Sorbo had set Twitter ablaze by posting: "Only in America are legal citizens labeled 'rac1sts' and 'Naz1s,' but illegal aliens are called 'Dreamers.'"
To which the heroine Lucy replied: "I'm a Dreamer"

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