The best movies from the year 2000

American Psycho
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Billy Elliot
Miss Congeniality
Final Destination
Cast Away
 Scary Movie
Requiem for a Dream
Erin Brockovich
Dancing in the dark
In the Mood for Love
Almost Famous
High Fidelity
Meet the Parents
Amores Perros
American Psycho

The 1980s' atmosphere of this movie throws you off completely when it comes to its age. Yes, 'American Psycho' was made in 2000! Christian Bale plays Patrick Bateman, a Wall Street trader who discovers an insatiable thirst for blood. His journey to becoming a serial killer is a must-see for all movie lovers.


Russell Crowe played the role of Maximus, a Roman general who ends up a gladiator for the cruel entertainment of emperor Commodus.

Do you remember who played the bad guy, Commodus? Yes, it was Joaquin Phoenix.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Li Mu Bai, a legendary martial arts expert, has decided to leave his magic sword (the Heavenly Sword) to his best friend. Until the time comes to hand it over, he asks a powerful warrior he is in love with, Yu Sha, to guard it for him.

Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot: an institute in cinema and theater. The boy grew up in a northern English town where men worked in the mines and practiced boxing. But Billy was different, and he insisted on becoming a ballet dancer.


It seems like yesterday that mutants fought each other for control of planet Earth. One group was led by Dr. Charles Xavier and the other by Magnus or Magneto. Here you see Hugh Jackman in his role of Wolverine.

Miss Congeniality

This gem combines comedy and crime. Sandra Bullock plays an FBI agent who goes undercover in a Miss America pageant. She's horrible at it and nearly breaks her cover multiple times.


A well-crafted story told backward, this movie will stay with you long after it's over. Guy Pierce plays Leonard who lacks a short-term memory and only remembers that his wife was murdered. Using notes, photographs, and the tattoos on his body, he tries to find out who the killer is, why he did it, and seek revenge.

Final Destination

A young student has a premonition when he gets on a plane. Sensing that something bad is going to happen, he and his friends leave the plane. And indeed, it crashes. While the group of youngsters think they have defeated destiny and escaped death, fate is still coming for them.

Cast Away

One of the famous characters of Tom Hanks, Chuck Noland ends up on a desert island after a plane crash. He stays alone for four years, pondering whether waiting for help or trying to escape is the least dangerous option for his salvation.

Scary Movie

A legendary horror movie parody. After the murder of a student, a group of teenagers discover that one of them is the killer. But who? Cyndi Campbell (played by Anna Faris) and her friends are terrorized by a masked psychopath seeking revenge for an accident last Halloween.

Requiem for a Dream

Jennifer Connelly, over 20 years ago. Her mother in the film, Sara, is a widow who becomes addicted to diet pills and obsessed with participation in a beauty pageant. Her son Harry, a heroin addict, starts selling drugs with his girlfriend to set up his own business. The characters' dreams in this acclaimed movie are bound to collapse into tragic endings.


An instant classic about the American 'War on Drugs.' One of its characters is Mexican agent Javier Rodriguez who wages a battle against drug traffickers. Benicio del Toro, who plays Rodriguez, won an Oscar for this role.

Erin Brockovich

Julia Roberts in an Oscar-winning role as Erin Brockovich. The movie, based on a real story, was nominated for an Oscar as well. Brockovich is a single mother who works in a small law firm. Although her start in the company is discouraging, everything will change when she decides to investigate the role of a power company in the mysterious health problems of its surrounding townspeople.

Dancing in the dark

The Icelanding singer Björk in an unforgettable role. Selma, a Czech immigrant and single mother, does repetitive work in a factory. Her only escape from the drag is music, especially musicals. In this last film of the "Golden Heart" trilogy, Selma must get money to have her son operated and prevent him from going blind - an illness from which she herself suffers as well.

In the Mood for Love

Maggie Cheung plays one of the main parts in this classic Hong Kong movie. It's set in 1962, where the editor-in-chief of a local newspaper meets the secretary Li-Zhen. Both married, they become friends and spend time together. One day, they discover something unexpected about their respective spouses.


Remember this one from Bruce Willis? David Dunn is the sole survivor of a train crash. When a mysterious stranger, Elijah Prince, suddenly appears in his life and gives him a strange reason of why he survived, the life of David and his family change for good.

Almost Famous

Thanks to his good music reviews, a teenager is hired by Rolling Stone magazine to cover the tour of a famous rock band. Despite his age and his mother's opposition, the boy lives an unforgettable adventure with the musicians and their fans. A leading role by the young Patrick Fugit.

High Fidelity

Rob (played by John Cusack) is a vinyl record store owner who is about to go bankrupt. The young man has an identity crisis when his girlfriend leaves him. After sharing his love story with his two employees and friends, he realizes that he wants to get back together with his ex.

Meet the Parents

Or how about this one? Ben Stiller versus Robert De Niro in some of the most awkward scenes in movie history. After announcing his engagement to Pam, Greg spends a few days with her parents to get to know them. His father-in-law Jim, a former CIA agent, is very hard to impress, and he does not like the new son-in-law one bit.

Amores Perros

The breakthrough film of Mexican actor Gael García Bernal. Yes, it's been two decades! In Mexico City, a car accident tragically affects three completely different people: Octavio, Daniel and "The Goat." Their lives become intertwined after the seemingly inconsequential fate of Daniel's dog, Cofi.