Trump made more concerning comments while out on the campaign trail

He made some bold claims about Ukraine
Blaming Biden and Harris for Ukraine
“They got us into this war”
He also bashed Zelensky
Walking away with billions
How much has the US given Ukraine?
Only $56 billion in aid
“We’re stuck in that war unless I'm president”
What happens if Russia wins?
Praising Russian military prowess
False claims about Ukraine aid
No peace plan details were provided
Vance’s plan is bad for Ukraine
A world-changing peace plan
““It will apply everywhere”
A “might is right” world
He made some bold claims about Ukraine

Donald Trump is back on the campaign trail and highlights from a recent rally in Georgia have made headlines. However, there was one comment from the former president that was very concerning. 

Blaming Biden and Harris for Ukraine

While sounding off in Savannah on September 24th, Trump spent some of his time blasting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for allegedly getting the United States into the conflict in Ukraine it seems stuck in.

“They got us into this war”

"Biden and Kamala got us into this war in Ukraine, and now they can't get us out. They can't get us out," the former president claimed according to Reuters, which added the United States does not have troops in Ukraine. 

He also bashed Zelensky

“I watched him. “We will win. We will…” He’s been saying that for three years,” Trump went on to say of Biden before he moved on to attacking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, claiming he got billions every time he went to Washington.

Walking away with billions

“Every time Zelenskyy comes to the United States, he walks away with $100 billion. I think he's the greatest salesman on Earth,” Trump said according to a transcript of his comments posted online by the speech-to-text service Rev. 

How much has the US given Ukraine?

Reuters pointed out that Washington has given Ukraine billions of dollars in military and security assistance since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in 2022. However, the Associated Press noted in its reporting on Trump’s comments that the former president's number was wrong.

Only $56 billion in aid

According to figures from the U.S. State Department, Washington has only provided roughly $56 billion in military and security aid to Ukraine since the full-scale invasion began. 

“We’re stuck in that war unless I'm president”

Trump went on to claim that only he could end the war, stating: “But we're stuck in that war unless I'm president. I'll get it done, I'll get it negotiated, I'll get out,” he added. “We gotta get out."

What happens if Russia wins?

“Biden says, ‘We will not leave until we win,’” Trump said. “What happens if they win? That’s what they do, is they fight wars,” the former president added according to the Associated Press. 

Praising Russian military prowess

Trump then went on to make some very concerning comments praising Russian military prowess. “As somebody told me the other day, they beat Hitler, they beat Napoleon. That’s what they do. They fight. And it’s not pleasant.”

False claims about Ukraine aid

Trump's remarks devolved into more claims about how the United States had given the Ukrainians close to $300 billion dollars before the former president began explaining the size of Europe’s economy compared to the U.S. economy. and question why Europe wasn't paying for Ukraine. 

No peace plan details were provided

Business Insider reported that at no point in Trump’s speech did he provide any details about how he would negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine but added his running mate J.D. Vance had sketched out a plan for peace involving major concessions to Russia.  

Vance’s plan is bad for Ukraine

Vance’s plan would freeze the conflict and create a demilitarized zone along the current frontline of the conflict. Ukraine would also be barred from joining NATO under the plan. 

A world-changing peace plan

Zelensky criticized Vance’s peace plan during an interview with The New Yorker, saying: "That approach would broadcast to the world the following implicit rule: I came, I conquered, now this is mine."

““It will apply everywhere”

“It will apply everywhere: land claims and mineral rights and borders between nations. It would imply that whoever asserts control over territory… is the one who’s in charge,” the Ukrainian President added. 

A “might is right” world

Zelensky also predicted that following such an approach would lead to a world where “might is right” and one completely different from today, ultimately leading to a global showdown.  

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