Remember when Russia revealed plan to destroy the Netherlands?

A terrifying plan from Russia
Meet Andrey Gurulyov
Putin's buddy wants to nuke the Netherlands
Goal: destroy Europe's energy facilities by flooding the Dutch
Would attacking the Netherlands actually affect Europe's energy supply?
Gurulyov claims 50-60% of Europe's hydrocarbon comes from the Netherlands
13% of Europe's hydrocarbon comes from Rotterdam alone
Holland is a
Russia knows how to make Europe beg for mercy
One day and one bomb
Total destruction of Holland
Gurulyov thinks Russia has nothing to fear
Russia is made about the F-16s
Petrifying plans we hope never come to fruition
A terrifying plan from Russia

Back in June, a suggestion from a Russian MP takes the threats from Russia to a new level, escalating the tense situation in Europe even further.

Meet Andrey Gurulyov

Andrey Gurulyov, a Russian MP and military veteran, recently revealed a plan to wipe out Europe's energy facilities during an interview on the Russia 1 program 'Evening With Vladimir Solovyov.'

Photo By Андрей Кречетов - Сфотографировали в Кабинете, Wikimedia Commons

Putin's buddy wants to nuke the Netherlands

As reported by Newsweek, Lt. Gen Andry Gurulyov, a hardline member of parliament in Putin's United Russia political party, brought up the idea of striking the Netherlands with a nuclear bomb while speaking to Vladimir Solovyov on his television program.

Goal: destroy Europe's energy facilities by flooding the Dutch

The goal would be to damage Europe's energy facilities by sending a nuke to the Netherlands, which would cause massive flooding in the country through the destruction of its numerous dams and dykes.

Would attacking the Netherlands actually affect Europe's energy supply?

You might wonder how an attack on the Netherlands would affect Europe's energy facilities. Could it really affected all of Europe?

Gurulyov claims 50-60% of Europe's hydrocarbon comes from the Netherlands

According to The Daily Mail, Gurulyov said that between 50 and 60 percent of Europe's hydrocarbon supply can be found in the Netherlands, which, if true, means such a strike would be devastating on multiple levels.

Photo: Russia1, Youtube

13% of Europe's hydrocarbon comes from Rotterdam alone

Newsweek's Brendan Cole wrote that while it was unclear where Gurulyov got his data from, it is true that " Rotterdam is a hydrocarbon gateway that 13 percent of all energy in Europe comes through."

Holland is a "fat target"

Per the Daily Mail, Gurulyov told Vladimir Solovyov, "Somewhere between 50 to 60 percent of Europe's hydrocarbon supply is in Holland. Imagine, in Holland, on the coast. The military calls this a fat target.…"

Russia knows how to make Europe beg for mercy

Gurulyov made it clear that Russia knows just what to do to crush Europe saying, "We understand perfectly well how to inflict critically unacceptable damage to bring Europe to its knees."

One day and one bomb

Gurulyov went on to add that this destructive operation could be completed in a single day and hardly make a dent in Russian nuclear stock.

"Holland will be blown away"

"This is a matter of one day. With minimal consumption of nuclear weapons. Not only that they will blow away all the oil refining, Holland will be blown away," said the Russian MP.

Total destruction of Holland

There is no doubt that such a strike would be catastrophic for the Netherlands, a point that Gurulyov was adamant about making clear in his discourse on Russian television.

"Everything will be completely dead in Europe"

"The dams there will come down at once, the whole thing… it's going to be flooded. I'm telling you 100 percent that after that, everything will be completely dead in Europe," Gurulyov stated.

Gurulyov thinks Russia has nothing to fear

As reported by Newsweek, anchor Vladimir Solovyov asked Gurulyov to clarify if he genuinely thought a nuclear strike of this nature was needed, to which Gurulyov responded, "For sure. I think we need to display our decisiveness—what is there to be afraid of?"

Russia is made about the F-16s

By now, we are all used to Russia's fear tactics, and these threats against the Netherlands are clearly related to the Netherlands' recent decision to allow the Ukrainian air force to use its 24 F-16 fighter jets to conduct air strikes on Russia.

Petrifying plans we hope never come to fruition

However, such detailed plans to destroy a peaceful nation and "bring Europe to its knees" is still petrifying and we can only hope that the Kremlin never makes good on these threats.

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