Rugby fans told to seek medical help in Bordeaux

Botulism outbreak
10 confirmed cases
Irish fans be careful
Set to host Samoa
Fans told to be on the lookout
Tin of sardines
Be vigilant
Can be fatal
Botulism outbreak

French officials have confirmed a botulism outbreak in the city of Bordeaux, currently serving as one of the host cities for the Rugby World Cup.

10 confirmed cases

French officials have confirmed 10 cases of botulism so far, leaving one dead and nine others in hospital.

Irish fans be careful

Bordeaux hosted thousands of Irish rugby fans over the weekend as they travelled to see their side take on Romania in their opening game of the World Cup.

Set to host Samoa

The next scheduled game in Bordeaux is this coming Saturday (16th of September) when Samoa plays Chile in a Group A clash.

Fans told to be on the lookout

Reports suggest the cases have been linked to one wine bar Tchin Tchin which is popular with tourists. Fans are being warned to avoid it for now.

Tin of sardines

The cases are being linked to a tin of sardines that was served at the wine bar.

Be vigilant

Benjamin Clouzeau of the Intensive Care Unit at Bordeaux University Hospital has warned in tweets some tourists may not know they are ill and must seek medical help immediately if they were at the bar.

Can be fatal

Botulism is a condition brought about by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum and can be fatal in 5-10% of cases.

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