Olympique Lyonnais fans berate players in shocking post-game dress down

Lyon ultras
Bottom of the league
Fans on their back
Listening to the stands
‘Message is addressed to you’
‘No longer have the right to remain silent’
‘Don’t have the right to tarnish it’
Moving past the dark days
French football culture
Fans addressing players
How will it affect them?
Lyon ultras

A section of the Olympique Lyonnais fans scolded their players in a shocking dress-down after their side lost 4-1 to PSG.

Bottom of the league

Lyon find themselves at the bottom of Ligue 1, with a single point, and the fans called out the leaders of the club to change the fortunes of the team under manager Laurent Blanc.

Fans on their back

Lyon were 4-0 down by halftime and now go into the international break bottom of the league, with the fans on their back.

Listening to the stands

At the end of the game, the players were forced to listen to one fan in particular, who voiced his opinion for the whole group of supporters.

‘Message is addressed to you’

According to tntsports.com, the fan said: "To you, the Olympique Lyonnais 2023-2024 squad, this message is addressed to you, to some of you already, to those who assume the status of dressing-room leaders."

Image credit: X @Prime Video Sport France

‘No longer have the right to remain silent’

"If there are leaders in this dressing room, they no longer have the right to remain silent. You're wearing the Olympique Lyonnais jersey. You're the ones who wear the OL jersey."

Image credit: X @Prime Video Sport France

‘Don’t have the right to tarnish it’

"Others before you have worn it and glorified it. You don't have the right to tarnish it. Now that the transfer window is over, the squad is here. All we ask is to be by your side."

Moving past the dark days

The direct attack has sent shock waves around the sport, with modern European football becoming much more family-friendly after the dark days of hooliganism.

French football culture

French football has been known for its culture with fans and ultras, with many flair-ups between fans and players in recent years.

Fans addressing players

In other leagues in Europe, fans show their disgruntlement through singing chants or holding banners up, but rarely do we see fans directly addressing the players.

How will it affect them?

After the international break, football fans around the world will find out if directly calling out the players will help Lyon or further bury them into the ground.

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