English fans blown away by Kylian Mbappe, but not for the reason you would expect!

Blowing fans away
Perfect English
Trial with Chelsea
Away from the pitch
Partnership with the NBA
American accent
Fan comments
The Premier League one day?
Blowing fans away

French and Real Madrid superstar forward Kylian Mbappe has been blowing fans away with his football ability for years, but something else he has done has got people off their chairs.

Perfect English

In an interview with CNN, the Frenchman wowed fans with how perfect his English was. He spoke about his hopes with France at the upcoming European Championships.

"I did everything with the national team"

According to CNN, Mbappe said: "I won the World Cup. I won the Nations League. That's (the Euros) the only one that missed me with the national team after I did everything with the national team."

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"I really want to win this"

"I really want to win this. My first competition as captain, so it's really important for me, and it's always important for the country and we want them to be proud of us."

Trial with Chelsea

Football fans shouldn't be shocked at Mbappe's perfect English. The Sun reports Mbappe went on a trial with Chelsea in the Premier League when he was ten.

Away from the pitch

It's been imperative for Kylian Mbappe to learn English for his business deals in America, especially how his media company has ties to the NBA.

Partnership with the NBA

According to the Versus website, in June 2022, Mbappe's media company, Zebra Valley, signed a multiyear partnership with the NBA to produce a range of content that will bring football and basketball together.

American accent

His love for basketball and partnership with the NBA will explain why fans were confused about Mbappe's American accent during the interview.

Fan comments

According to Sports Bible, one fan wrote: "What the hell is this accent?" another said: "What the heck, he shouldn't sound like this." The final person added: "Homie Americanised his French accent."

The Premier League one day?

Is Mbappe's perfect English only for business deals in America, or does he plan on playing in the Premier League one day?

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