Danilo Vucic, the Serbian president's son, has ties to Serbian football hooligans?

Ties to hooliganism
Violence erupts
Kicked off
Dragged away
Chairs, bottles, and tables thrown
Arrests made
Confirmed sighting
Dangerous links
Extreme violence
More protests
Ties to hooliganism

Danilo Vucic, the son of Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic, has ties to Serbian football hooligans and was caught in a brawl with England fans last week!

Violence erupts

Vucic was seen in Gelsenkirchen being hauled away by bodyguards as he attempted to join in a fight between English football hooligans and Serbian ultras.

Kicked off

Before England and Serbia's opening round match of Euro 2024, fans from both sides were seen fighting in the streets of Gelsenkirchen before police were forced to intervene.

Dragged away

A video, posted on X (formerly Twitter) by user @1f3hh, shows Danilo Vucic attempting to join the brawl before three bodyguards carry him away.

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Chairs, bottles, and tables thrown

Videos of the clash have been shared on social media and shows both sets of supporters throwing chairs, bottles, and even tables at their rivals.

Arrests made

Danilo Vucic is lucky to have escaped unharmed as up to seven of those involved in the fight were arrested, per The Daily Mail, and multiple injuries occurred to both sides.

Confirmed sighting

Jakub Bielamowicz, who works for Institute of New Europe, shared a video online claiming the man seen being restrained was Vucic, "Danilo Vučić, the son of the Serbian president, is seen wrestling with his bodyguards as he attempts to join a clash with English fans."

Dangerous links

Bielamowicz continues, suggesting Vucic has ties to dangerous groups, "Danilo is known for his links with Serbian ultras, extremist groups and criminal underground."

Extreme violence

Per The New York Times, Danilo Vucic is no stranger to football violence, with the president's son previously seen arm in arm with members of hardline football hooligan Veljko Belivuk's gang.


Danilo's father, Aleksander has been President of Serbia since 2017, per Predsednik (an official Serbian government website). Many inside Serbia were concerned his appointment would slide the country towards authoritarianism, per Euronews.

More protests

Vucic's time in charge has been rocked with controversy, not least in 2023 when mass protests erupted following two mass shootings that rocked Serbia, per Euronews, who claim Vucic has stayed in power partially due to his hold over the mainstream news outlets.

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