These are Trump's 'close contacts': Tom Brady, Serena Williams and more

The 'close contacts' list of Trump revealed at trial
Trump's famous friends
Tom Brady on the list
Serena Williams with Trump
Rupert Murdoch
Sean Hannity and other FOX stars
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough
Jack Nicklaus, a golf veteran
Lorne Michaels, the creator of Saturday Night Live who sympathized with Trump
TMZ's Harvey Levin
Another television star: Joe Kernen
And so on up to 54 names
The 'close contacts' list of Trump revealed at trial

In the New York trial currently underway against Trump for the 'Stormy Daniels case', prosecutors revealed a list of celebrities who were part of Trump's "close contacts." And, yes, Tom Brady's name was there.

Trump's famous friends

The list includes sports stars, television stars, famous businessmen... The New York Times says that Madeleine Westerhout, Trump's assistant, drew it up and included people with whom he often spoke to (or wanted to talk to) about important issues.

Tom Brady on the list

NFL star Tom Brady was one of the names on the list. When he played for the New England Patriots in 2015, a photo circulated in which he wore a red 'Make America Great Again' cap. Brady later clarified that he did not have a close relationship with Trump.

Serena Williams with Trump

According to The Independent, the former Trump aide stated that Serena Williams and Trump spoke frequently.

Rupert Murdoch

The all-powerful owner of FOX and other conservative media could not be missing from that list: Rupert Murdoch.

Sean Hannity and other FOX stars

Of course, on that list of close contacts were FOX stars like Sean Hannity. But there were also TV hosts from other media.

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough

The co-host of the morning show 'Morning Joe' on MSNBC was one of Trump's 'close telephone contacts.'

Jack Nicklaus, a golf veteran

Veteran goal champion Jack Nicklaus once campaigned for Trump, so it is not strange that his name appeared on this list.

Lorne Michaels, the creator of Saturday Night Live who sympathized with Trump

Trump is one of the most parodied characters on 'Saturday Night Live' but, curiously, the creator and producer of the show, Lorne Michaels, had a good relationship with the magnate and president. According to The Hill, an 'SNL' actor reported how Michaels suggested that the crew members be nicer to Trump.

TMZ's Harvey Levin

The head of the most famous website specializing in celebrity gossip, Harvey Levin (TMZ), was a friend of Trump. Later he distanced himself from the politician.

Another television star: Joe Kernen

The host of 'Squawk Box' on CNBC is also part of the list revealed in the trial.

And so on up to 54 names

In total, 54 celebrity names say a lot about Trump's ability to relate to certain types of celebrities. Singers like Lady Gaga or Taylor Swift are not on the list.

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